Rotherham CouncilTransforming Rotherham

Forge Island cinema operator revealed


We’re delighted to announce that The Arc Cinema has signed a long-term lease with national urban regenerator, Muse Developments, to become the leisure anchor on Forge Island.

The boutique cinema operator specialises in providing a VIP cinema experience for the price of a standard ticket and currently has six sites across the UK and Ireland, with a further two UK sites under construction.

Along with the cinema at Forge Island, plans include a new hotel, food and drink outlets and car park. The leisure facilities will be set within an attractive public square with a new pedestrian bridge connecting the scheme to the town centre.

Brian Gilligan, director at Melcorpo, which runs The Arc Cinema, said: “We were delighted to be selected by Rotherham Council and Muse to bring one of our state-of-the-art cinemas to the Forge Island site. We would like to express our grateful thanks to them for their support in helping make this possible.

“The large high-specification eight-screen cinema has been specially designed to ensure we become a leisure hub, enabling us to provide a focal point for the people of Rotherham. Our customers love the fact that we offer a luxurious VIP experience, but we only charge standard cinema prices, and we think that unique combination is perfectly suited to Rotherham.

“Everyone is really looking forward to treats like cinema and restaurant trips again so we’re particularly excited to have the opportunity to be part of this good news story for the Rotherham community at this time.”

Following the deal with The Arc Cinema, and discussions advancing with a major hotel operator, it is anticipated that construction will begin in autumn 2021.

Watch the video announcement here 

Visit the Arc Cinema Rotherham Facebook page here.

cinema inside