This weekend saw the MCVC out in force, on Saturday 29th June 2019 we had the MCVC trailer in a prime position in Rotherham Town centre for Armed Forces Day where we engaged with the public and veterans. We had 20 veterans on parade along with other Veterans Associations, a big thanks to all those who took part and volunteered, also to Rotherham Town council for organising the event. The highlight of the day was one of our own veterans Glider Pilot Doug Watson Raising the Armed Forces Flag, and leading the singing in the afternoon.

On the Sunday 30th June 2019 we took 30 Veterans to the NMA thanks to a grant from the Clinical Commissioning Group big thanks to Adie Hunt and Ron Moffett for ensuring they all had a good got back safe. Not to mention a group of veterans attending a concert in Rotherham Minster on Friday 28th June 2019. Only one complaint from Veteran who will remain nameless who missed his usual Saturday Breakfast, all in all a busy weekend cannot wait until next AFD. Below are a few pictures from the weekend …..