Dear colleagues,
This week we will be talking about respect. I am proud of how we, as a Trust, value and respect the diverse community we care for in Rotherham. I expect members of the public, including patients and their families to treat our colleagues with respect too.
Today, we are launching our new video which sets out our expectations and how discrimination can be reported. The video will be shared on our Twitter and Facebook page, so please do share it. The video will also be added to the screens in the UECC waiting area and the hospital’s main entrance, as well as our website. You can also watch the video now by clicking on the image below.
Throughout the pandemic, we have seen an increase in the number of incidents reported through Datix. It is important that any instances of discrimination, violence, aggression or abuse (physical or verbal) are reported so that we can take steps to keep our colleagues and patients safe.
We have developed a really good working relationship with South Yorkshire Police and we don’t actually call on them as much as other Trusts due to the security team and infrastructure we have in place across our sites. We have invested in access control systems and CCTV, with plans for further investment that will benefit our hospital and community teams. Last year, we also launched our Call it out, Work it out initiative where staff and members of the public can report any instances of discrimination on any of our sites, whether they have observed or experienced it. This can be done anonymously through a form on our website.
It is important to recognise that attending healthcare settings can be upsetting, frustrating and difficult, and this can impact on a person’s behaviour. However, there are boundaries and we will not tolerate violence or aggression.
I ask that all of you continue to show respect to our patients and their families, as well as to each other.
Best wishes
Dr Richard Jenkins
Interim Chief Executive