We would like to update you with the latest FREE courses we have available including Understanding Autism, Behaviour that Challenges, and Mental Health Problems. For those of you that have enrolled onto FREE courses with us in the past, you will know we are a Yorkshire-based organisation that specialises in placing people onto FREE training courses nationally. For those that haven’t enrolled onto a course with us please feel free to find out more about us on our website www.wefindanylearner.co.ukor call our friendly team on 01226 958 888.

With more and more people working from home and self-isolating, it has created an opportunity to further develop skills, enhance CPD, and gain a nationally recognised Level 2 qualification without paying a penny.

Places are limited but thanks to even more government funding we are now able to offer a wider range of FREE courses – Yep, totally free!

To be eligible, you just need to be:

* Over 19
* Living in England
* Not on an Apprenticeship

Simply click on the link below to start your enrolment today or call our friendly team on 01226 958 888.


With over 30 courses available there is something for everyone.