· The Gunners ·Newsletter – July 2022 Welcome to the The Royal Artillery Charities Newsletter. This is where you can keep right up to date with all the regimental family’s news and information. If you have any news for the Gunner website or the Newsletter from your regiments, branches, districts and regions we would like to receive them. Please ensure that you have permission to share information and images. The Gunners Master Gunner St James’s Park A message from The Master Gunner St James’s Park on the 306th Anniversary of the Royal Regiment of Artillery – 26 May 2022Regimental Colonel An introductory message to the Regimental Family from the Regimental Colonel, Colonel R C Harmer ADC – Introduction Allan Solly – A personal message from Allan and Cath – see here RAA It is with great sadness we said farewell to Allan Solly at the end of May at the RA Assembly. Allan joined the RAA as Membership Secretary in September 2003 in Woolwich and apart from a short break when HQ DRA and RHQ RA relocated to Larkhill, he has been in post since then, taking on the wider responsibilities as the RAA Secretary. The Regimental Secretary wrote in the Gunner ‘We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Allan for all that he has done for the RAA and the Regimental Family. We will say a formal thank you and farewell to Allan and Cath at the Royal Artillery Assembly in Blackpool, but I am sure you will join Brigadier Mark Pountain, as RAA Chairman, and me, as Regimental Secretary, in thanking Allan and Cath for their enormous contribution over the last 19 years and wishing them all the very best for the future. ‘At the Royal Artillery Assembly two very notable awards were presented; Allan was awarded the Royal Artillery Medal and Cath, the Royal Artillery Association Medal. Warmest Congratulations to you both. The RAA welcome Major Dickie Davies who has taken over the role of the RAA Secretary. Dickie met many of the Branch Members at the RA Assembly in Blackpool and has been significantly involved with the Association for the last 14 years as President of a Branch. ‘I look forward to hopefully being a steady and trusted hand on the tiller in the coming years during what I am certain will be a period of continued growth and possibly some diversification for the Association. I look forward to working with you and supporting all our Regions, Districts, Branches and Affiliated Groups as I start this journey and I am genuinely excited and enthused about hearing your thoughts, ideas and relevant issues as we move forward together.’ Dickie In February we said a fond farewell to Elly London on retirement. Elly looked after the RAA Branch Membership and enquiries for several years, we wish Elly the best of luck and an enjoyable retirement. We welcomed Christine Neate in May who took up the appointment of the Membership Officer. Christine previously worked in the Finance and RACF departments for thirteen years, she took a break away from the Charities and on her recent retirement from the civil service, returned to the RAA team. · Events ·Please monitor the RAA website and facebook page for any further information and event updates.Forecast of Events 2022/23 Gunner Sunday On Sunday 24th April the regimental family returned to the Royal Hospital Chelsea for Gunner Sunday, spending the day with the In-Pensioners. A large gathering of serving, veterans and their families attended the Service at the Royal Hospital. Read more here Royal Artillery Assembly The Royal Artillery Assembly took place on 20 – 22 May in Blackpool. 356 members of the Regimental Family attended, including The Master Gunner St James’s Park who took the Salute at the Sunset Ceremony. The Assembly included a Gala Dinner with much fun and entertainment on Saturday evening. Thank you to everyone who attended this annual event, you made it very special after the long COVID enforced period of absence. (A full report from the RAA Secretary is available in the July edition of the GUNNER.) Royal Artillery Service of RemembranceOn Saturday 2nd July the Royal Artillery Association held its RA Service of Remembrance at the National Memorial Arboretum. Around 300 people attended this special event; representatives from RHQ RA, serving regiments, veterans and their families. To read more click here. Falklands 40 On 14th June, the Chairman of the RAA, Regt Col, RASM and the RAA Secretary joined veterans and their families in the 40th Anniversary to mark the end of Falklands Conflict. The Royal British Legion hosted this special commemorative event at the National Memorial Arboretum, attended by veterans and their families. ‘We will honour and thank the service of so many whether it be a dockworker in Britain or Gibraltar, a Merchant Naval seaman, a pilot with the RAF, a sailor or marine with the Royal Navy or an infantryman with the Army. Without all elements of national capabilities coming together, we may not be here today commemorating a conflict that changed Britain.’ Lt Gen James Bashall CB CBE We remember the service and sacrifice of all those who served, both military and civilian. Founder’s Day, Royal Hospital ChelseaAfter the disruption of the pandemic, Founder’s Day returned to its full glory at the Royal Hospital Chelsea on 9th June. Branch members of the RAA, Regt Col and the RASM joined family and friends to celebrate the day with the In-Pensioners. Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence KCVO CB ADC reviewed the Chelsea Pensioners on parade for the 330th Founder’s Day.  Royal Artillery Officers’ Alanbrooke Lunch – 6 Oct 22The next Royal Artillery Alanbrooke Lunch is on Thursday 6th October 2022 at the Army & Navy Club, St James’s Square, London. Drinks 1200. Lunch 1245. The Alanbrooke Lunch Club is open to all Gunners officers, Regular and Reserve whether serving or retired. The lunches cost £62 and the price includes pre-lunch drink, wine and port. A cash bar is available after lunch.To attend the lunches you must be a member of the Alanbrooke Club. There is an annual membership fee of £10 but this is waived for serving officers. Members wishing to attend this lunch should make a bank transfer for £62 to the Royal Artillery Benevolent Fund (Sort code 30-11-75, A/C No 00568858) annotating your transfer with your initial and surname or send a cheque made out to ‘Royal Artillery Benevolent Fund’ to the Regimental Secretariat Assistant, Mrs Emma Pagan-Skelley. If you make a bank transfer please email the Regimental Secretariat Assistant to say that you have done so. Any excess of funds will be donated to the RACF at the end of the year. Do spread the message amongst your Gunner friends, and of course you may bring a guest (who may be non-military) should you wish, or bring a group of friends you served with. Commanding Officers are asked to encourage and facilitate attendance by their officers. If you wish to join us please contact the Regimental Secretariat Assistant at Emm.Pagan-Skelley100@mod.gov.uk · RAA Branch News ·East Kent BranchA Kent Police Community Support Officer has been hailed a champion for his work helping veterans in Thanet and the wider county.PCSO Adrian Butterworth was recognised as an Armed Forces Champion 2022 at the Armed Forces Network’s Together We Can Make A Difference conference held in May in Sussex. The award is given to people who have shown dedication and support to the Armed Forces community.PCSO Butterworth works within the Thanet Community Safety Unit as a Crime Prevention Officer, and spends time visiting local groups and individuals to support and advise them on staying safe.He is also an armed forces champion for Kent Police, and has assisted many veterans he’s met in the community as well as those who have been identified as linked to the forces, via calls received through the Force Control Room. Last year he organised and led a group of volunteers to spruce up the War Memorial in Margate’s Trinity Memorial Gardens in time for Armistice Day.PCSO Butterworth, who served for nine years in the Royal Artillery, said: “I was not aware I was getting an award- it came as a complete surprise – I had no idea!“Through my work in the force, if calls come to the control room relating to anyone who has served in the forces, as well as any police response, they will also be flagged to me. It doesn’t matter if the veteran is young or old, victim or perpetrator, I will contact them and arrange a meeting over a cup of tea and chat.“If I can help them, I will, perhaps they have issues with PTSD, mental health, or they are struggling to find a home or a job or they just can’t settle back into civvy street after their time serving.“They say a problem shared is a problem halved so, if they want to sound off without judgement or they need help, I will do what I can.”Inspector Ian Swallow of Thanet Community Safety Unit said: “PCSO Butterworth plays an important role in that he can use his own personal experience to connect with those in need who have military backgrounds.Adrian collected his award on Tuesday, June 7 at the Kent and Medway Civilian Military Partnership Conference in Folkestone. It was presented to him by Lady Colgrain, Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Kent.PCSO Adrian Butterworth is a member of East Kent Branch, RAA. Canterbury Branch Canterbury Branch recently attended the D Day Service on 6th June in Folkestone to commemorate the 78th Anniversary. The RAA Standards of Canterbury (John Bishop), Kent District (Doug Kay) and Dover (Harry Hopper) were paraded, and a wreath was laid on behalf of the Branch by Dennis Gabb. The Mayor and representatives from the Gurkha Regt and local Regimental Associations were in attendance. Poole Branch On 31st May Poole Branch enjoyed a jubilant afternoon Garden Party, with copious amounts of tea, sandwiches and cakes. West Suffolk (Bury St Edmunds) Branch Members of the Bury St Edmunds Branch attended the dedication service of the new VJ Memorial which was installed to remember those who served in the Far East during World War Two.
The new memorial was carved by Saxon Monumental Crafts after the Committee of the Bury St Edmunds Royal British Legion Branch obtained permission from the Rose Garden Committee and English Heritage. The costs were generously funded by the Bury St Edmunds Town Council. Lewes Branch The Branch held their Annual Dinner on Saturday 29 May 2022, 33 Members and their guests attended. They were joined by their guests of honour, WO2 (BSM) Pete Kinsey RA, the newly appointed BSM of their Affiliated Battery, 43 Bty (Lloyds Company) RA and the BG WO2 John Godwin-Smart RA, thus continuing in building their relationship with their Affiliated Bty and keeping relationships strong with The Serving Regiment. Keeping relationships strong at the RA Assembly, Lewes Branch Vice Chairman David Harding and Secretary Mark Harding said Farewell to our previous BSM, newly posted as RSM 47 Regt RA, WO1 (RSM) Stacy McGrath RA, and welcomed our new BSM WO2 (BSM) Pete Kinsey RA of our Affiliated Bty, 43 Bty (Lloyds Company) RA. Newbury & District Branch The RAA Secretary, Major Dickie Davies joined the Branch in a walking football event with members of 14 Regt RA and 47 Regt RA. A wonderful evening of ‘Comradeship and Competition’. Bolton Branch Bolton Branch took part in the lighting of the beacon at Bolton Parish Church on Thursday 2nd June 2022 to celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Canterbury Branch Canterbury Branch remember the fallen from the Falklands War and laid wreaths on behalf of the RAA. Norwich Branch In 2023 Norwich Branch will reach their 100th Birthday and for 50 of those years, Colonel Ian Makin TD DL has been the Chairman, an incredible achievement. On the 28th May, Branch members and guests came together to pay tribute to Colonel Makin for his many years service and dedication he has given to the Branch. He was presented with a Lifetime Achievement award by the Secretary of the Branch, Herbie Slaughter. Tyneside Scottish Branch The Tyneside Scottish Branch held a Beating Retreat on July 9th at McCraken Park, Gosforth, the home of Northern Rugby Club. The occasion brought together branches affiliated to 101 Regiment RA, the Northern Gunners. Members of the Tyneside Scottish, Tynemouth Volunteer Artillery, Tyneside Branches, and the Northumbrian Volunteer Artillery Association enjoyed the sunshine to watch the event.The City of Newcastle Pipe Band supported by the Pipes and Drums of the Tyneside Scottish, with buglers of Veteran Associations, conducted the Beating Retreat. The occasion being enhanced by a display of Scottish Dancing.The strong affinity between 101 Regiment and its affiliated Branches is reflected in the Regiment being awarded the Royal Artillery Association Cup. The trophy is awarded in recognition of actions and particular achievements of merit by a Regiment in support of the RAA. The Regimental Secretary, Colonel Matthew Carter presented the RAA Cup to teh Commanding Officers, Lieutenant Colonel Jamie Linsdell during the evening.  · The Royal Artillery Charitable Fund ·RACF Welfare Team Quarterly ReportSo far this year the RACF have helped to pledge 373 grants totalling £293k. The area where the most help is needed is annuities/KHAT to those over state pension age. We awarded £62k to help our older Regimental family members make ends meet. We also awarded £53k to those struggling to fund household goods such as cookers, carpets and other essential household items. £38k was granted to help with mobility support. Other areas include funeral grants, critical household arrears, house moves, care home fees and house maintenance costs.If you have a concern about finding the money for something you need, please contact us. We cannot however help with private medical or legal fees. Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Call SSAFA on 0800 731 4880, the Royal British Legion on 0808 802 8080 to get a case up to us or contact us on either 0300 167 3998/0300 158 7035.We can be contacted by email: RARHQ-RACF-WELFARE-MAILBOX@mod.gov.uk , RA Charitable Fund Application – RA Association (thegunners.org.uk) Where we help … ‘Thank you so much; this will be so well received by Gnr xx in these horrible circumstances. The support of the Royal Regimental family is fantastic’‘Thank you so so much for paying for a washing machine and the contribution of £365 towards the arrears of my priority bills.’‘Your support helped get through a different time.’‘On behalf of the family can I also thank the RACF for this incredibly kind donation. As ever it will be greatly appreciated, and I hope alleviate some of their incredible burden.’‘On behalf of Blesma I’d like to thank you and the team at RACF for this kind donation. I will ensure that Mr XX is fully aware of the support…Good working together’ How We Help · The Gunner Lottery ·Gunner Lottery is for the benefit of the Gunner charities and replaced the RAA Annual Draw. The hope is that the Lottery can raise much needed funds and raise awareness of the good work done by the Royal Artillery charities. Thank you to everyone who supports the Lottery and congratulations to the winners each week. Good luck in future Draws. 3 Digits: You’ll win 5 Entries into the next Draw4 Digits: £25 Cash Prizie5 Digits: £1,000 Cash Prize6 Digits: £25,000 Cash Prise You can take part as an individual or syndicate; Battery, Regiment or RAA Branch. You could be in with a chance of winning the top prize of £25,000 each week. The Draw takes place every Friday. JOIN TODAY Gunner Lottery · Regimental News ·Thank you very much for your continued support and fundraising for the Gunner Charities. Fundraising for your Charity The Charities use Enthuse as their fundraising platform. If you are fundraising for the RACF/RAA or supporting the Charity with individual donations, please click here to donate or to set up a fundraising page. The Cornwall CupThe Cup is awarded to the Regiment or establishment that raises the most funds for the Royal Artillery Charitable Fund (RACF). The total amount of money raised in 2021 for the RACF was £21,744.83. Thank you very much for supporting your Charity. All donations for the Royal Artillery Charitable Fund and Royal Artillery Association go towards winning the Cornwall Cup and must be received by 31 December 2022. Royal Artillery Association Battery Grants One of the charitable objects of the Association is to promote comradeship, fostering esprit de corps and preserving traditions. Each year the Association makes funds available to Batteries in the form of annual grants to help fund Battery events, improve conditions for members of the Battery and their dependants.Find out more information from emm.pagan-skelley100@mod.gov.uk or through your chain of command. Read below as to how the RAA assisted 13 (Martinique 1809) Battery Reunion. 13 (Martinique 1809) Battery Reunion weekendThe Biannual Reunion weekend of 13 (Martinique 1809) Battery took place on 22-24 April 2022. Serving members and veterans of the Battery alongside their partners gathered at the Copthorne Hotel in Dudley. In the light of the global pandemic, the intent of the event was to celebrate and reunite past members; something the Battery and wider Army has been unable to do these past two years. It was also an opportunity to reintegrate the serving Battery members with our Veterans into what is a very important part of the Battery and its long history. The weekend started on the Friday evening which consisted of all guests reminiscing and sharing stories past and present and remembering the times that they served over a drink or two. The Saturday evening was a formal occasion, and was started with speeches from the organiser, Mr Kevin Brookes-Usher. WO2 (BSM) Phil Kenny then presented the Battery’s activities over the last couple of years, whilst our Axe bearers (Bdr Priestley and Gnr Nukuse) and Piper (LBdr Beveridge) added to the atmosphere and reflected the Battery heritage. The evening then concluded with a disco and a buffet. Music always manages to rekindle memories of times and the years that friends haven’t seen each other were soon forgotten. A huge thank you to the Royal Artillery Association for the assistance with supporting this event. Their support for veterans and our serving members is second to none. Joan Wanklyn Memorial Prize The Joan Wanklyn Memorial prize is a bursary to be presented each year by the Royal Artillery Association in memory of Miss Joan Wanklyn who was, for many years, our Regimental Artist. (King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery – oil on board is reproduced by kind permission of Jess Hills. www.jessicahills.com)The Bursary comprises a cheque of £500 is to be presented at the RA Assembly to the artist who produces a piece of work judged worth of exhibition at the following year’s Assembly. Applications are open to the sons, daughters and grandchildren of Serving or Retired members of the Regiment, regardless of rank or station, who have reached the tertiary stage of education and are in or about to begin their first year of a course at a recognised College or University to study art in its broader form. Contact Emma Pagan-Skelley on 01980 845895 or Emma’s email for further details emm.Pagan-Skelley100@mod.gov.uk · Community and Companionship · The RA Charities can keep you in touch with the Regimental FamilyJoin Your Association Here ·RA Historical Society· Military History Webinars The RA Historical Society arranges Zoom On-Line Webinars for its members on Gunner military history subjects. If you would like a copy of the Back Catalogue with links to the You Tube recordings of webinars held in the last 12 Months, please contact the RAHS Secretary.If you wish to attend the webinars below please contact the RAHS Secretary, Lt Col Richard Clayton: richard.clayton312@gmail.com: · Gunner & Journal of the Royal Artillery · Further details to subscribe to the GUNNER and/or Royal Artillery Journal can be found hereThe GUNNER magazine is now available on line via the website, please click on the button below to view the recent issue.GUNNER   Share Tweet Share Forward Copyright © Royal Artillery Association 2014. Registered Charity No: 238197. Artillery House, Royal Artillery Barracks, Larkhill, Wilts SP4 8QTYou’re receiving this email because you signed up on our website www.thegunners.org.uk Preferences | Unsubscribe |