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Tuesday 5th January 2020

Residents Bulletin

Due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are providing regular email updates to let you know about the latest information we have on local and national measures to contain the virus, any changes to local services and support that’s available.

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National Lockdown: Stay at home

National Lockdown: Stay at home

National lockdown now in force

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, a new national lockdown is now in force, with people advised to stay at home as much as possible.

Detailed guidance is available now from the Government website.

You must not leave, or be outside your home unless it is necessary, which includes for:

  • shopping for basic items
  • going to work or volunteering, if you cannot reasonably do so from home.
  • exercising with your household, support bubble or one other person (limited to once per day and only in your local area).
  • meeting your support bubble or childcare bubble where necessary, but only if you are legally permitted to form one.
  • seeking medical assistance or avoiding injury, illness or risk of harm (including domestic abuse).

People who are clinically extremely vulnerable will receive formal, written advice from their GP but they should only leave home to attend medical appointments, exercise or if it is essential. They should not attend work, but can work from home if it is possible to do so.


The announcement means that all schools and colleges have been closed with immediate effect, except to vulnerable children and the children of critical workers. All other children will be taught remotely until February half term.

Early Years settings, including day nurseries, pre-schools, childminders, nursery schools and Foundation 1 classes in schools can remain open and the council is continuing to work with providerds to ensure there is sufficient, safe, appropriate and affordable childcare available to meet parents needs.

Council services

Wherever possible we will continue to provide Council services to existing levels, but this will remain under review. We may have to temporarily stop or change the way some services are provided to ensure the safety of residents and staff isn’t compromised. And there may be times when we have to prioritise some services at the expense of others due to staff sickness or staff shielding.

We will let you know about any changes we need to make to Council services on our Coronavirus website, through these regular Covid-19 email bulletins and through our Twitter and Facebookaccounts.

Local leisure centres, Herringthorpe Athletics Stadium, sports courts, such as tennis and multi-use games areas and basketball courts, have been closed to comply with the national lockdown restrictions.

Parks, playgrounds and play areas remain open but users must adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Support for residents

If you or someone you know is in difficulties as a result of Covid-19 with issues like loneliness or debt, you need help with collecting prescriptions or shopping, or if you need emergency food parcels please contact the Rotherham Community Hub by completing this form or phoning 01709 807319

Support for businesses

A wide range of local, regional and national financial support packages are already in place covering businesses which have been impacted directly or indirectly by the pandemic in different ways.

Full details of the existing grants please visit our Covid Business Support website. New grants were added in December, so it is worth checking even if you weren’t eligible for support previously.

The Chancellor has annouced funding for a new package of support for retail, hospitality and leisure sector businesses today. As soon as we are in receipt of further details we will get this money to eligible businesses as soon as possible.