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Friday 8th January 2020

Residents Bulletin

Due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are providing regular email updates to let you know about the latest information we have on local and national measures to contain the virus, any changes to local services and support that’s available.

If you do not wish to receive these updates please click on “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the page.

Further information is available from

Leader's Lockdown message

Click on the image to view the Covid-19 lockdown update from the Leader of Rotherham Council

Leader’s Lockdown message

The Leader of Rotherham Council has issued another update on the Coronavirus pandemic in Rotherham, as the national lockdown comes into force this week.

Councillor Read is urging local people to stay at home whenever possible to reduce the spread of the virus in the coming months to allow the vaccine rollout to provide the maximum benefit in local communities.

Click here to watch the video message.

Infections graph week ending 8/1/21

Rotherham Covid infections on the increase

The number of people testing postive for Coronavirus in Rotherham is starting to increase, once again.

As shown in the the graph above, 817 new infections were recorded in the latest 7 day period, up from 562 the previous week.

The infection rate across the borough stands at 297.3 cases per 100,000. Although this is still currently lower than the national average, it is now at its highest level since mid-October last year.

The rate is likely to be rising more slowly than in other areas of the country because less cases are caused by the new variant which is more infectious, but should we see more transmission of the new variant in South Yorkshire, we would expect a rapid increase as has been seen elsewhere in England.

Worryingly, the rate of infection in Rotherham for those aged 60 years and over is still high, at 222.7 per 100,000.  

Detailed, daily information about Coronavirus infections in different parts of the country in available from the UK Government website 

Latest from Rotherham Hospital

NHS Thank you message

We are hugely grateful to the team at Rotherham Hospital who continue to be under great strain as a result of the influx of patients with coronavirus.

As of Wednesday this week, the hospital was treating 105 inpatients who have tested positive for Covid-19, of which 11 were in critical care. This brings the total number of Rotherham Hospital inpatients who have tested positive since the start of the pandemic to 1,873 and so far, 1,259 patients have been safely discharged.

The total death registrations mentioning Covid-19 in Rotherham is now 639. Our thoughts and condolences go out to their families and loved ones.

Rotherham Heroes deliver

Rotherham Heroes deliver

The Coronavirus pandemic has brought fear, despair and tragedy – but also some amazing acts of kindness and community spirit.

The Rotherham Advertiser shared this lovely story about how our Rotherham Heroes volunteers made Christmas special for one 80 year-old resident.

After spending 12 years alone at Christmas without any presents to open, critically vulnerable resident Wendy White, was given a wonderful Christmas surprise when Rotherham Hero volunteer, Madeleine Beard, brought her three sacks full of presents from residents in Brampton-en-le-Morthen.

You can read more about Wendy and the support she has received on the Voluntary Action Rotherham website.

Click here to watch the emotional moment Wendy White receives Christmas presents for the first time in 13 years, thanks to Rotherham Heroes volunteers.

Rotherham Heroes and Community Hub – here for you

Do you need help?

As Rotherham locks down, it is important that everyone who needs support during this difficult period gets the help they need.

If you or someone you know needs help with accessing food parcels, getting their medication from the pharmacy, or is struggling with loneliness, contact the Rotherham Community Hub by calling 01709 807319 or completing our online form.

The Community Hub is also there to help the clinically extremely vulnerable. who have no other means of support. If you have received a letter from the Government or your local GP advising you to begin shielding, you should try to limit the number of times you leave your home so that you can limit your risk of catching COVID-19. There are many things clinically extremely vulnerable can do to help keep them safe including: 

  • Working from home 
  • Having their weekly shop delivered to them 
  • Exercising outdoors when they are able to 
  • Not mixing with people from outside their household or support bubble 

You can still receive informal care at home from those in your support bubble and continue to receive care at home from social care and medical professionals. If you get help from friends or family and they become unwell or start having symptoms of coronavirus, contact the Community Hub for any extra support you need until they’re feeling better again.

If you live with a clinically extremely vulnerable person who receives visits from care professionals, please take care andkeep two metres distance from the care workers and wear a face covering if you can.

Clap for heroes

Clap for heroes is back!

Thursday 7 January 2021 saw the return of the Clap for Heroes. Like last year’s Clap for Carers, people across the UK were encouraged to clap for our NHS and community heroes who have been working tirelessly throughout the year to keep us safe.  

We are looking for residents to share their photos and videos of their tributes to our local heroes.  

Email them to or share them on Twitter and Facebook with #RotherhamTogether to get involved.  

Get tested

Click on the image to go to book a Covid test

Be safe, not sorry – if in doubt, get tested

It has never been so important to get tested if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, however mild. Even if it’s ‘just a bit of a cough’ or a bit of a temperature, put your mind at ease and get a test.  

The test is simple, easy and doesn’t hurt. All you need to do is go online to or call 119 to book your appointment 

There are four test sites in the borough: 

  • Midland Road old bus depot Mobile Test Unit suitable for people with cars (appointments needed – 10am to 4pm.)
  • Forge Island Local Test Site (8am to 8pm, seven days a week).
  • Dinnington Local Test Site(available in the Dinnington Resource Centre car park from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week).  
  • Maltby Local Test Site (available in the Maltby Leisure Centre car park from 8am to 8pm seven days a week). 

Alternatively, you can order a home test kit to be delivered straight to your door.

Stay home – but if you have to travel, stay safe

The new Lockdown rules mean that you must not leave your home unless you have a suitable reason, such as going to pick up food shopping, exercising, or getting a test. If you need to travel you should stay local and try to reduce the number of journeys you make overall.  

However, there are exceptions.  

  • going to work if you cannot work from home 
  • visiting your support bubble, or childcare bubble for childcare 
  • visiting hospital, GP and other medical appointments 
  • buying essential goods  
  • outdoor recreation or exercise.  
  • attending the care and exercise of an animal, or veterinary services 

Try to keep local where you can.  

For further travel information about public transport visit the Travel South Yorkshire website.