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Friday 23 April 2021

Residents Bulletin

Due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are providing regular email updates to let you know about the latest information we have on local and national measures to contain the virus, any changes to local services and support that’s available.

If you do not wish to receive these updates please click on “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the page.

Further information is available from

Rotherham to-do list

What positive changes have you made during the pandemic? 

During the pandemic a lot of people have dug deep to find resilience they didn’t know they had.

Many of us have made positive changes – spending quality time with family, getting outdoors more or learning something new. It’s taught us that it’s just as important to look after our wellbeing – and keep doing those positive things – as we move into recovery. 

We’d love you to tell us the best things you’ve done, discovered or learned to keep healthy in mind or body – or both during the pandemic!  We’ll use these to create The Great Big Rotherham To-Do List, to inspire people to carry on the things that keep them happy and well – and to find new ones! 

Keep Rotherham Open

Infections down, but are still amongst highest in England

The Covid infection rate in Rotherham continues to fall and currently stands at 54.3 cases per 100,000 population – down from 75.7 last week.

However, this rate is still much higher than the England-average of 23.8 per 100,000 and means Rotherham still has one of the highest infection rates in the country – the 12th highest of more than 300 lower tier local authorities.

Encouragingly, the rate in the over 60’s has also more than halved since last week and is now down to 20.5 per 100,000, but again, this remains more than double the England average of 10.0.

We continue to see the positive impact the vaccination programme is having in reducing both the number of Covid patients in hospital and transmission rates, but our communities remain vulnerable to the highly infectious nature of the Kent variant.

So. it’s still really important to take care to help reduce the spread amongst family and friends by meeting outside, keeping your distance, wearing masks in indoor spaces and taking the opportunity for regular asymptomatic testing.

If you have returned from abroad, have symptoms or someone in your household does, or you are a contact of a case, it is really important to follow self-isolation advice.

You can see the latest local, regional and national Covid infection rate data on the Government’s website.

Rotherham Hospital

The latest update from Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is that, as of  Wednesday 21 April, Rotherham Hospital was treating ten inpatients in who have tested positive for Covid.

Two of those being treated were in critical care.

We are delighted to report, for the second successive week, there have been no Covid deaths registered in Rotherham.

Local NHS provides update on vaccine roll-out

CCG vaccine update

NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has provided an update on the local roll-out of Covid vaccinations.

You can view the video update on the CCG’s Facebook page.

After your COVID-19 vaccination (both doses), please remember that you still need to:

  • Continue to maintain social distancing
  • Wear a mask
  • Wash your hands carefully and frequently
  • Follow the current COVID-19 rules and guidance.

How to self-test video

Click on the image above to view the video in YouTube (external link)

Take a test regularly – stop the spread

A new video from the Department of Healthhas been published to demonstrate how to take a rapid Covid test at home. 

The test kits are now available widely, free of charge for everyone. As many as one in three people who test positive for Covid are not displaying symptoms, so please consider taking the twice-weekly tests to help protect friends, family and the wider community.

If you do not have symptoms of the virus and are over 18, you can get the free test kits from any of the following places: 

Unity Centre testing

If you work in a public-facing role,such as in a shop or as a taxi driver, and want to get tested you can also attend the Community Test site at the Unity Centre, St Leonard’s Road, Rotherham every Tuesday and Friday, 8.45am-3.15pm. General Covid-related advice and support is also available.

Parents now entitled to support for self-isolating children

Self-isolation grants

If you are forced to take time off work to look after your child because they are self-isolating, you may be entitled to financial support.

The Test and Trace Support Payment scheme has been extended to parents and guardians who are not legally required to self-isolate themselves, but who need to take time off work to look after a child or young person who is self-isolating.

Claims can be made up to 42 days after the start of the child’s isolation period.

Rotherham Council also offers a local scheme of financial support to residents who lose income because they are forced off work to self-isolate. This sits alongside the national scheme and catches many of those people who are not eligible for support from the Government scheme.

More details about financial support with self-isolation, including the new scheme for parents, is available from the Council website.

Postal ballots on the way

More information about the local elections in Rotherham is available from

Look out for your postal vote

Local elections are taking place in Rotherham on 6 May. 

Ballot papers for postal voters are now being sent out, so keep your eyes peeled for them coming through your letterbox, if they haven’t already – and please return them as soon as you can.  

Please read your ballot papers carefully to see how many candidates you can vote for, as this varies depending on which ward you are voting in.

If ballot papers get lost or damaged, please email your details to or call 01709 336010 as soon as possible.

Proxy Vote application deadline

If you want to vote but haven’t applied for a postal vote and you are unable to attend the polling station in person, you can apply for a Proxy Vote, which gives consent for a named person to vote on your behalf. Applications for proxy votes close at 5pm on Tuesday 27 April.

Visit our website for further details.  

Message from the Mosques

Message from the mosque

Local Mosques are offering advice and guidance to Muslims about vaccinations and testing during Ramadan.

The videos are  available in English, Urdu, Punjabi and Arabic and are available to view on the Council’s YouTube channel.

Businesses beware air-purifier scam

The Government is warning businesses to be on their guard against scammers who are sending letters to firms, which appear to be on official Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy headed paper. 

The letters claim that, by law, they need to purchase air purifiers to comply with Covid rules. This is not true. 

Businesses who receive letters like this or are targetted for other online scams are encouraged to report it to Action Fraud.