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Friday 11 June 2021

Residents Bulletin

Due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are providing regular email updates to let you know about the latest information we have on local and national measures to contain the virus, any changes to local services and support that’s available.

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Football/s coming home

Football’s coming home – let’s make sure Covid isn’t

Euro 2020 – a four-week festival of football – starts today, with fans of England, Scotland and Wales dreaming that their team can go all the way to the final.

Football’s coming home. If you’re off to the pub or to a friend’s house to watch the Euros on TV, make sure it’s not COVID-19 that’s coming home with you. 

Remember to social distance and wear a face covering where necessary. 

Watching the match in the pub?

If you’re heading out to meet friends at the pub to watch the games remember: 

  • Use table service only for ordering drinks, do not use the bar 
  • Meet in groups of up to 6 people only
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Don’t go out if you feel unwell 

If you’re worried that a business is putting customers in danger by not following the rules, you can report concerns to the Council.

Visiting friends and family?

If you’re meeting at a friend’s house for the match, remember their are some restrictions about mixing still in place, including that no more than six people or two households should meet-up indoors.

If you are meeting indoors, try to ventilate the property as much as possible and avoid close contact for prolonged periods.

Going to Wembley?

If you’re lucky enough to have tickets for any of the Euros matches at Wembley, remember you will be required to take a lateral flow test 48 hours before the game and prove a negative result or that you have had both vaccine doses at least 14 days prior to the match to gain entry to the stadium.

Take a test – no matter where you’re watching the match

No matter where you’re watching the game, make it safer for everyone by getting tested with a rapid lateral flow test so you can stop the spread of COVID-19. One in three people with the virus are carrying it without knowing it, so regular testing is the only way to ensure you’re match fit, even if you feel fine.

Visit our website for details on the many ways you can get home tests in the post or from locations across the Rotherham borough.

Read more about submitting your test results later on in this bulletin.

Roadmap step 3 & 4

Prime Minister to confirm next step on road map

On Monday, the Prime Minister is set to confirm the next step of the Government’s roadmap out of restrictions, with any further changes set to come into place no sooner than Monday 21 June 

Whether restrictions will ease further will depend on the four tests the Government put in place when the roadmap was introduced in March this year. These tests are: 

  • the vaccine deployment progtamme continues successfully 
  • evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated 
  • infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS 
  • our assessment of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern 

Please continue to follow the current guidelines until any changes come into force. Go to or to keep up to date.  

Beat the virus – have BOTH vaccine doses when offered

17 May Messages

The rate of COVID-19 infections in Rotherham has remained relatively stable this week and is currently at 26 per 100,000 – with 69 cases reported in the borough in the last week.

This is below the England average rate of 50.3 per 100,000.

Nationally, we are seeing a rise in the number of cases following the easing of restrictions in May and the Delta variant has become the most common variant in circulation.

Locally we are seeing a mix of Alpha and Delta variant cases.

Evidence shows that having both first and second doses of the vaccine makes us much more resilient to the virus – both in terms of contracting it in the first place and how ill we get if we do. A single dose of vaccine is less effective against the Delta variant, compared to Alpha variant.

So, it is really important that you get your second dose as soon as it is offered.

Anyone aged 25 and over who hasn’t had a first dose or is overdue their second dose should call the local Rotherham NHS vaccination booking line on 0300 3035258.

As the proportion of Delta cases is expected to rise locally over the coming weeks, it is essential that everyone continues to do their bit by: 

  • socially distancing from people you do not live with 
  • wearing face coverings in public places and indoors 
  • washing your hands regularly and wiping down surfaces if you have guests 
  • meeting in groups up to six people or two households in places with good ventilation or, preferably, outside  

The local test and trace team are continuing to follow up local cases and offer support to those who must self-isolate.

Covid update from Rotherham Hospital

Rotherham hospital at night

Six people were being treated for COVID-19 in Rotherham Hospital on Wednesday morning, the same number as last week.

Like last week, there were no COVID-19 patients in critical care.

Since the start of the pandemic, Rotherham Hospital has treated 2,586 people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and safely discharged a total of 1,900.

Report test results

Please submit your Covid test result, even if it’s negative

If you’re taking regular lateral flow tests at home, remember to report every test result you get on the GOV.UK website. 

Each test reported, whether positive or negative, gives us more accurate data to work with and allows us to see how many people in the borough are taking tests. The better data we have, the more we can do to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community and the stronger the evidence is reduce or put the right restrictions in place.

It’s really important to get tested regularly, especially if you are going out to work or meeting people socially. By getting tested you are helping to: 

  • reduce infection rates in your community 
  • protect people at higher risk of infection 
  • prevent and reduce the spread of the virus 
  • find out if you’re infectious (even if you do not have symptoms) 

Guest & Chimes redevelopment

How the Guest and Chrimes redevelopment could look

£31.6m Towns Fund secured for Rotherham

Rotherham has been awarded £31.6 million to carry out ambitious regeneration projects across the town centre, Eastwood and Templeborough, it was announced this week.

Rotherham Council submitted a bid to the Towns Fund in January of this year, following a public consultation, having been one of 101 areas invited to produce a Town Investment Plan for economic growth, in order to access up to £25m of government funding, with the possibility of additional funds for exceptional and particularly credible plans.

The Town Investment Plan focuses on a number of schemes deliverable within five years. These include:

  • creating a Riverside Residential Quarter and better waterfront access
  • regenerating the Guest & Chrimes heritage site to provide attractive public spaces and leisure facilities
  • providing improved housing and local connectivity for Eastwood
  • creating a new heart for the business community in Templeborough by making under-used sites productive again, improving transport and creating new spaces for hospitality and meetings
  • create attractive public spaces and transform derelict heritage buildings on High Street and Corporation Street – creating a gateway from the Minster Gardens across to the new Forge Island leisure development.
  • support the development of a new mainline station for Rotherham

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy, Cllr Denise Lelliott, said: “A huge amount of hard work has gone in to securing this investment over the past 18 months and I’m really pleased to see that effort rewarded with funding which will complement other schemes already underway to regenerate our town and create jobs.

“It is testament to the quality and vision of those plans that Rotherham’s bid has not only been successful, but secured a higher-level investment than many other places.

Corporation Street

Potential redevelopment of Corporation Street