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Friday 16 July 2021

Residents Bulletin

Due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are providing regular email updates to let you know about the latest information we have on local and national measures to contain the virus, any changes to local services and support that’s available.

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July 19 Messages

COVID’s not gone yet. Let’s move forward together.

As with the rest of the UK, cases of COVID-19 continues to increase in Rotherham and we are seeing more people being admitted into hospital.

From Monday, many of the legal requirements will be lifted as part of the Government’s Step 4 of the Road Map. While many of us will be pleased to see these restrictions being lifted, the truth is that COVID-19 is still in our communities – it’s not over yet.

For the first time in many weeks, there are once again more than a dozen people ill in hospital in Rotherham with Covid, and as the number of cases continues to rise, more people will need to self-isolate, and sadly more people will again become extremely unwell.

So whilst the law is changing, the guidance remains the same: Hands. Face. Space.

This means you should continue to follow social distancing and keep two metres away from other people if you’re out in your community.

You should also continue to wear a face covering, especially if you’re using public transport or in a public indoor space. Face masks are required in the bus station and you will need to wear a face covering when visiting the hospital or going to see a GP and nurse at your local surgery. Covid safety measures will remain in place around Council buildings, even as we are able to reopen Riverside Library (more information on that below).

Washing your hands and wiping down surfaces if you have guests is also really important to stop the spread of the virus. If you’re out and about, you can also use hand sanitiser to keep your hands clean.

Lastly, it is really important that you get your COVID-19 vaccination. We can already see how people who have had both jabs are much less likely to fall ill. All adults over the age of 18 are now eligible to get their first dose of the vaccine, all you need to do is book an appointment by calling the NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group booking line on 0300 3035258.

If you’ve had your first dose, you must get your second dose to make sure you get full protection. People who have had both doses are less likely to become dangerously ill with the virus.

Further information about getting your vaccine is on the NHS Rotherham CCG’s website 

And remember, even if you have had your vaccine, you should take care to social distance and to wear a face covering as you could still pass the virus onto someone who hasn’t had their vaccine yet.

Keep up to date with the latest updates at www.GOV.UK/coronavirus.

Cllr Read Message

New video from the Leader of Rotherham Council

The Leader of Rotherham Council, Cllr Chris Read has recorded a message for residents about the upcoming changes and what we can all do to protect our loved ones and out communities.

Watch the video here

COVID-19 Update

The current infection rate in Rotherham is 359.8 per 100,000, which is now higher than the UK average of 350.3 per 100,000. We are now seeing cases across the Rotherham borough.

The majority of cases are still in the 15- 35 age group in Rotherham, but over the past week, we have seen an increase in the over 60’s and now our infection rate within this age group is also now above the national average.

The vaccination programme is still making a significant difference in preventing many people from becoming seriously ill, but we are already seeing an increase in the number of people being admitted to hospital. Inevitably with more case and more hospitalisations we will, sadly, see more deaths.

The effectiveness of the vaccine is clear with those who are vaccinated with one or two doses showing milder symptoms and being much less likely to need hospital treatment. However, there are still around 6000 unvaccinated people aged over 50 in the Borough and the rising case rates will see some of these individuals affected.

Latest from Rotherham Hospital

Rotherham hospital at night

There has been an increase in the number of inpatients being treated for COVID-19 with 14 people being in Rotherham Hospital on Wednesday morning, with 1 in critical care.

Since the start of the pandemic, Rotherham Hospital has treated 2,626 people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and safely discharged a total of 1,934.

Grab a Jab 16 July

Grab A Jab sessions happening this weekend!

Grab a jab and help protect yourself and those around you from the virus.

NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group are hosting several Walk-In Vaccine Sessions this weekend.

The walk-in sessions are for all adults living in Rotherham who are aged 18 over. Both first dose and second dose vaccinations are available. For those who have already received their first dose, please note that you should only get your second dose 8 -12 weeks after receiving your first.

  • Please bring ID for proof of age
  • Please be prepared to queue during busy periods
  • Make sure you’ve had something to eat and drink before your jab. Why not bring a bottle of water with you.

Do you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine? Go to the NHS Rotherham CCG’s Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

Travel safely as restrictions ease

As more and more people return to work, many of us will be travelling across Rotherham and neighbouring areas more often.

If you’re using public transport over the next few weeks, make sure you travel safely and plan ahead of your journey.

While the legal requirement for you not to wear face coverings has been lifted, the Council’s Director of Public Health, Ben Anderson is encouraging people to continue wearing face coverings if you are using public transport. You should also social distance where possible.

Most importantly: plan ahead. Be aware that there may be some changes to services available.

If you are travelling for leisure, try not to travel at peak times as these will be busier.

Further information about using public transport is available on the Travel South Yorkshire website

Riverside Library to re-open with other libraries returning to normal opening hours

Riverside Library

Riverside Library is set to reopen on Monday 19 July for the first time since closing its doors in March 2020 due to COVID-19.

During this time the building has been used as a foodbank site and to support the community as a Lateral Flow Testing Centre (LFT) Other libraries across the borough will also revert back to their usual opening hours.

Read the full story here