Friday 17 September 2021Residents BulletinDue to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are providing regular email updates to let you know about the latest information we have on local and national measures to contain the virus, any changes to local services and support that’s available.If you do not wish to receive these updates please click on “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the page.Further information is available from roll-out to be extendedBoosters for people aged 50+ and 12-15s to be offered jabThe Government announced the Autumn / Winter Covid plan this week, which includes an extension of the current vaccination programme, starting next week.Over the coming weeks, children aged 12-15 will start to be offered one dose of the vaccine in school and people aged 50+, care home residents, frontline health workers and those classed as Clinically Extremely Vulnerable who have already had two doses of vaccine will begin to be called for ‘booster’ jabs.First and second doses of vaccines ARE still available for anyone eligible who is yet to take them up. It’s not too late. Booking details.12-15 year-oldsChildren and young people in Rotherham aged 12 to 15 years will be offered one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.The NHS is preparing to deliver a schools-based vaccination programme, which is the successful model used for vaccinations including for HPV and Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP).Invitations for vaccination will begin week commencing 20th September 2021.Parental, guardian or carer consent will be sought by vaccination healthcare staff via secondary and special schools, prior to vaccination, in line with existing school vaccination programmes.Booster jabsBooster jabs of the Covid-19 vaccine will be available to thousands of eligible people across Rotherham from next week.Priority will be given to care home residents, health and social care workers, people aged over 50, those aged 16 to 49 years with underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk, adult carers, and adult household contacts of immunosuppressed individuals.The NHS will contact people directly to let them know when it is their turn to get their booster vaccine. Please wait until you are contacted.It is likely that those who had their first and second doses earliest will be amongst the first to be offered the booster.Vaccinating against flu is also a priority across Rotherham and many thousands of eligible people have already been invited for their jabs to help protect them against winter illness.Why get the vaccine?Public Health England estimates that more than 112,000 deaths, 143,000 hospitalisations and 24.5 million infections have been prevented so far as a result of the UK’s COVID vaccination programme.Figures from the Office for National Statistics also show that almost 99% of COVID-19 deaths in the first half of this year were people who had not received both doses of a vaccine.Further information about the vaccination programme for all groups is available from the NHS website.Walk-in vaccine sessions for anyone aged 16+ It’s not too late for anyone who is yet to take-up their Covid vaccine to do so.NHS Rotherham CCG is offering it’s latest Grab-a-jab walk-in sessions in Rawmarsh tomorrow (Saturday 18th September) from 8.30am to 1.30pm and on Monday 20th September, also 8.30am to 1.30pm.No appointment is necessary and both first and second doses are being offered.If you can’t make either of these sessions, it’s still possible to book an appointment on the NHS Rotherham CCG website.More than 81% of those eligible in Rotherham have had both Covid vaccine doses and nearly 86% have had one dose.What have young people ever done for us?There has been a fantastic uptake of the Covid vaccination from young people in Rotherham since it was made available for 16 to 18 year-olds.Click on the image above to view our new Rotherham Community Champions videoabout young people and the vaccine.Infection rate falls – but still well above national average The Covid infection rate in Rotherham has fallen this week, but still remains above the national average – and the borough currently has the 28th highest rate in England.The latest 7-day rate is 411 per 100,000, down from 464.9 cases per 100,000 on the previous week. The national average currently stands at 297.2 per 100,000.Sadly, there were a further eight Covid related deaths in Rotherham this week, bringing the total number of residents lost to the virus to 863 since the start of the pandemic.Although the rate is headed in the right direction, it was concerning to see the serious issues experienced at Rotherham Hospital over the last few weeks as a result of the influx of Covid cases and other pressures – the severity of which is only usually seen in winter.The severity of the situation prompted Interim CEO of Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Richard Jenkins, to write an open letter to residents last week.Although the situation is improving, the hospital remain under significant pressure.Please continue to play your part in reducing the spread of the virus by observing social distancing, wearing face coverings when appropriate and washing your hands regularly.Rotherham Hospital Update On Wednesday 15th September, there were 57 inpatients in Rotherham Hospital who had tested positive for COVID-19, of which 2 were in critical care.Although these figures are still very high, thankfully it is a reduction from the number of both inpatients and critical care cases reported last week.Since the start of the pandemic, Rotherham Hospital has now treated more than 3,000 people who have tested positive for COVID-19.Visiting Rotherham HospitalIf you are visiting the hospital, please be aware that restrictions are still in place and face coverings still need to be worn.Further information about visiting the hospitalIf you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have test positive, you must not visit the hospital, your GP or a pharmacy. If you need advice, please call 111 or contact the Rotherham Hub if you need support with collecting prescriptions.Get support from Rotherham Hub Further information about COVID-19Restrictions could come back if infections spiral The Government has announced it is maintaining current Covid restrictions for now – but has a range of ‘Plan B’ options to use if a spike in infections means the NHS is getting overwhelmed.Details were released in the Autumn / Winter Plan, announced this week.Contingency measure include the use of ‘Covid passports’ to access certain venues and events (which means you will need to prove you are fully vaccinated), the reintroduction of mandatory face coverings in places like shops and on public transport and in instruction to work from home if possible.We can all play a part in helping to reduce infections spreading and reducing the likelihood of restrictions being reimposed.People are still required, by law, to self-isolate for 10 days if they test positive for Covid-19. Support is available to help you to self-isolate – see the Council’s website for details.Although wearing a face covering is no longer mandatory, you are strongly advised to do so in enclosed spaces where there are other people, such as shops and supermarkets. Keeping a safe distance from others and washing your hands frequently is also advised.If you have visitors inside your home, opening a window to increase ventilation is always a good idea.Two Waste Recycling Centres to temporarily close Over the next couple of months we will be carrying out essential works at two of the borough’s Household Waste Recycling Centres which means they will have to close temporarily.Maintenance works have been taking place at our Household Waste Recycling Centres over the summer to carry out essential repairs and improve the customer experience, including the installation of new drainage pipes.We were able to keep the Car Hill (Greasbrough) and Magilla (North Anston) sites open while this work was completed.However, the location of the drainage pipes at Lidget Lane (Bramely) and Warren Vale (Rawmarsh) means they will have to close so that the team can carry out the repairs quickly and safely. So:Lidget Lane will close from 28thSeptember and reopen by 7thOctober. Warren Vale will close on 12thOctober 2021 and reopen by 22ndOctober.If you have a vehicle permit you will be able to use any Rotherham site for the duration of your nominated sites closure.We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation during this time.Further information is available from our website.Rotherham Women TLCWomen can usually talk about almost anything, yet still too many don’t know how to talk about suicide.Rotherham Women TLC is targeted at all women – those who have been touched by suicide, those who have contemplated suicide and anyone who wants to be better prepared to help someone in a crisis. And the message is clear – it’s okay to Talk, Listen and Care.By talking more openly about suicide we can help to reduce stigma and encourage more people to feel able to ask for help when they need it.To find out more about how to start the conversation about suicide visit the Be the One Website.VIDEO: hear about how Alison’s experience helped her friend.Keeping you up-to-dateClick the image above to register for the Rotherham Round-up and receive bulletins direct to your inboxWe have launched a fortnightly e-bulletin, the Rotherham Round-Up to keep you up-to-date with what’s happening across the borough.The email includes a wide variety of news, video and events – you can view the last issue here (10th September).It’s free to sign up for the bulletins, which we usually issue on alternate weeks to this Covid update.Click here if you want to receive the Rotherham Round-Up direct to your inbox.Getting in touch…During this challenging time please, where possible and appropriate, use our online services rather than calling via telephone. We’re receiving a high level of calls daily and want to ensure we’re able to answer urgent calls regarding vulnerable residents and our front line services. |