We have been requested to circulate the following information on behalf of NHS England regarding a survey they are carrying out on the subject of Mental Health services for veterans, which they hope to get as many people as possible to complete.
The survey and supporting information can be accessed here: https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/survey/veterans-mental-health-services
The deadline for responses is 5pm on 31 March 2016 and they are particularly keen to hear from the following groups:
* Veterans who have or have had a mental health condition
* People who know veterans who they believe have or have had a mental health condition
* Service charities / support groups
* Mental health professionals involved in veterans’ mental health care
* CCGs
The survey includes sets of tailored questions for each of the above audiences, however, NHS England welcomes views from anyone who has an interest in veterans’ mental health and people can choose which section they wish to complete. A hard copy engagement document including a detachable survey and free post envelope has been produced, along with a leaflet and poster. A limited number of these are available and if you would like to place an order, please email ENGLAND.VMH-Engagementhub@nhs.net<mailto:ENGLAND.VMH-Engagementhub@nhs.net>
All responses to the engagement will be reviewed and analysed to help inform a report that will be made available on the NHS England website and shared with interested groups. This will help to inform decisions on commissioning arrangements for future veterans’ mental health services.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the engagement, please email andreacollins1@nhs.net<mailto:andreacollins1@nhs.net