Public Space Protection Orders – Have Your Say
We want your input for two public consultations taking place on two Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO), one in the Town Centre (including Clifton Park), and a borough wide order specifically dealing with dog fouling.
Find out more and take part here before 30th August.
Self-Employment Income Support Scheme Grants
Applications are now open for the second grant from the Government’s Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.
If you are eligible and your business has been adversely affected by COVID-19 on or after 14 July 2020, you must make your claim for the second grant on or before 19 October 2020.
Find out more about the eligibility criteria and how to apply here.
Eat Out to Help Out at Hygge
It’s great to see lots of you supporting small businesses with the Eat Out to Help Out scheme.
Hygge at Rise Café Bar on High Street are participating and as well as this are offering 25% off your bill on Thursday’s, Friday’s and Saturdays in August and September too!
They’re open from 10.30am to 2pm, Tuesday to Saturday and are part of the charity Rotherham Rise. Visit their Facebook page here.