Rotherham Town Centre news

Covid-19 Tier 3 Restrictions Information

CovidAs Rotherham enters Very High (Tier 3) local restrictions from 00:01 on Saturday 24th October, please note that the following businesses will remain OPEN:

• Retail stores including the indoor and outdoor market

• Salons, barbers and beauticians

• Cafés and restaurants

• Pubs and bars will be closed unless they are serving ‘substantial’ meals. You will only be served alcohol whilst eating.

Certain businesses selling food or drink on their premises are required to close between 10pm and 5am. Businesses and venues selling food for consumption off the premises, can continue to do so after 10pm as long as this is through delivery service, click-and-collect or drive-thru.

The following restrictions on premises are also in place in South Yorkshire:

• Soft play centres, betting shops, casinos and amusement arcades are to close

• Leisure centres and gyms can remain open but classes are not to take place

Find out more about Tier 3 restrictions here.

We will be posting regular updates on social media, but to make sure you don’t miss the latest updates, please sign up to our e-newsletter here.

Public Realm works paving the way

BridgegateThe Bridgegate Public Realm works are now well underway!

The planters have been removed, lighting columns installed and some of the paving has been laid.

Watch this space for more updates coming soon…

Please note a one-way system is in place around the site.

Remembrance Sunday

poppiesWith the current Covid-19 restrictions in place, sadly the Council will be unable to mark Remembrance Sunday in the usual way this year.

This is extremely disappointing, and we know a lot of people will be upset that we are unable to mark what is always such a big occasion in Rotherham.

The safety of residents is our priority – especially as our Remembrance Sunday event is attended by a large number of elderly veterans and other groups who are particularly vulnerable to Covid-19.

However, we are determined that, no matter what, we will remember them. We are currently working on plans with our partners to host a virtual Remembrance Sunday event which will broadcast on our social media channels for people to follow safely from home.

Further details will be shared when the plans are finalised. The Poppy Cascade is also now on display at the Indoor Market for the public to see.

In addition, we would encourage people to follow the advice from the Royal British Legion about the many other ways in which we can take part in Acts of Remembrance from home, available on their website here.