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Town Centre Patrols

Police Officers and PCSO’s are out and about in the town centre, dealing with anti-social behaviour and offering reassurance to shoppers on a busy Saturday.

Although we are approaching the season of goodwill, it is worth reminding people that the best way to assist others is through established charities. The overwhelming number of people who appear homeless and are begging, are in fact housed and in receipt of benefits. Since the COVID outbreak local authorities have been obligated to house people and there are in fact hotels devoted purely to housing the previously homeless. Put simply, when these people ask for money in the town centre it is spent almost exclusively on drink and drugs, and continues to fuel anti-social behaviour and crime. I have heard directly from some of these people about the amounts that they can receive through begging, and it can easily exceed £200 a day. Please consider that £200 a day means more that £6000 a month, and ask yourself what effect that has on the town centre when that relates to the use of illegal drugs and uncontrolled alcohol consumption.

I am sending this message after hearing a story today from a colleague who saw a male driving a new expensive vehicle, park it up, and walk around the corner and sit down begging.

Please help to break this cycle by supporting charities that work to break this cycle. Please bring this to the attention of friends and family members who visit the town centre.Image

Message Sent By
Paul White (Police ,Constable ,Doncaster)

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