From Families4veterans website ( checked -7-02-23)
NHS GP Veteran Codes
Breaking information regarding NHS veteran code.
Families4veterans were recently made aware while helping a couple of
veterans, that a lot of GP surgeries have or are upgrading to a new computer
based system called SNOMED CT.
This new system does not take letter codes, and requires a 9 digit code. This
effectively renders the previous code 13jy as invalid.
The f4v team have endeavored to chase this up, and we have been in touch
with the NHS regarding this. The outcome is a new generated code for the
SNOMED system that veterans can add to their records recognizing their
military service. Veterans need to ascertain if their personal GP surgery is
using the new system. If so then the 9 digit code 302121005 should be added
to their records.
SNOMED CT ConceptID 302121005
SNOMED CT DescriptionID 443668013