
Please find attached our December edition of our newsletter, and we hope you enjoy reading the latest news from VIC.

If you require any hard copies of the newsletter then please don’t hesitate to contact myself or one of the team on 01706 833180. You can also download copies of all our newsletter and information sheets for our activities from our website.

Our website and Facebook page is regularly updated and there is more information on VIC services and activities. . Our website is updated regularly with additional pages and our latest news, and activities and well worth a visit.

As with previous newsletters please forward this newsletter to anyone you  think would benefit from reading it.

Kind Regards

Bob Elliott

Operational Manager

Veterans In Communities

12 Bury Road




01706 833180

Charity No: 1151194

Company No: 8230197

Official Finalist in the Working Together Category.

National Recognition for the Armed Forces Community

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