It is with much regret we report that Jim Oakes our Outreach Manager has decided to resign. Jim has been responsible for the development and management of the South Yorkshire Outreach Connection project is about to step down from his role at the end of the week. Jim has been the driving force behind the project and has invested significant effort in laying the great foundations of the project, the selection and training of staff and the wider involvement of the council staffs across the South Yorkshire region. Jim will formally step down on the 31 May 2019 and the Trustees, Management board and all veterans offer our grateful thanks for all he has contributed to the betterment of veterans lives in South Yorkshire, and in particular the outstanding contribution he has made to the MCVC previous years. In addition we all wish him well for the future.
The MCVC is pleased to announce that a successor has been found in the form of Kevin Costello. Kevins’ details will be found on this website (Go to ‘About us’ and click ‘Who we are’) from his first day, 31 May 2019. Kevin served for 23 years in the REME, and subsequently in logistics management roles.
The MCVC and the Outreach Connection Project welcome Kevin to our team and wish him well for his tenure as our project manager. You will see him at the weekly Drop In so please give him the usual friendly veterans welcome.